Film support

Tanzania is the perfect venue for film crews wishing to capture some of the finest wilderness and largest concentrations of wildlife in the world - places like the endless rolling short grass plains of the Serengeti National Park or the vast intact crater of Ngorongoro but there are also other less know gems - from parks that have seasonal populations, in some cases literally swamping the park during the dry season as they search for water and in the process eat the park down to almost bare soil. Other parks that offer glimpses or elusive game - making the cameraman work harder for that killer shot!

But Tanzania is not just about stunning wildlife it has so much more to offer - from a multitude of colourful and varied tribes - each with their unique traditions and rituals through to grand vistas and geographical features - ideas for feature films and right on through to the myriad of stories about an emerging nation struggling with poverty, education, health case etc

Janice Beatty, one of the directors of African Environments, has been "film fixing" in Tanzania for more than 15 years. African Environments has been outfitting and providing field support for film crews for more than 20 years.  She knows the country and she knows the people - this means she can help at both ends of you production - she know the people who you could film but she also knows the people in government to make it happen smoothly!

Her experience is wild having 'fixed' everything from a BBC Comedy series with a cast of over 70 people right through to outfitting a small crew following the footsteps of Livingstone for a month through some incredibly remote terrain far from roads. Such varied projects as a Comic Relief piece on the heart wrenching impact of Malaria on young children in remote rural areas to big budget celebrity balloon journeys across Africa with incredibly complex logistics.

Film crews do not want to be bogged down by the endless red tape and tortured logistical concerns of working in a foreign country. That's where Janice Beatty can step in to relieve film makers of these concerns, freeing them to concentrate on their filming projects. Janice has worked on more than 100 previous film projects and has a wealth of contacts to make YOUR production flow smoothly.

African Environments can also help with resources from specially converted 4x4 camera cars to fully staffed wilderness camps. All designed to make it easier for the crew to focus on their job film!

African Envionments Film Support
African Envionments Film Support
African Envionments Film Support
African Envionments Film Support
All content © African Environments 2007